Polytar Scalp Shampoo is a thick, coal-tar based shampoo that soothes irritated skin on the scalp, reducing itchiness, scaling, and inflammation. These symptoms are often experienced by people with scalp psoriasis or other related skin conditions such as eczema. In these cases, a specially formulated shampoo is required, as standard shampoos often contain irritants that make the condition worse.
Coal tar is proven to provide relief for psoriasis sufferers. It is a thick oil that works on patches of inflamed red skin covered in scales. It moisturises and nourishes the skin to reduce scales and dandruff, and soothes it to make it feel less itchy.
Coal tar is proven to provide relief for psoriasis sufferers. It is a thick oil that works on patches of inflamed red skin covered in scales. It moisturises and nourishes the skin to reduce scales and dandruff, and soothes it to make it feel less itchy.
Suitable for:
• Itchy, flaking scalps
• Eczema
• Seborrhoea
• Psoriasis
• Dandruff
Polytar Scalp Shampoo should be used by adults and children over the age of 12, once or twice per week for an initial period of 4 weeks. First, wet your hair and then massage a small amount of the shampoo into the scalp and any affected areas nearby, using the fingertips. After it has lathered, rinse the scalp well. Repeat this process, ensuring that the shampoo is in contact with scalp for around 3-5 minutes in total over the two applications. For use for longer than a period of 4 weeks, consult a doctor and use as directed.