Monitored Dosage System (MDS Dosette Boxes)

It is important that you take the right dose of your prescribed medicines at the right time each day to get the most from your medicines to control your condition(s) as much as possible. This can sometimes be difficult if you take more than one medicine. 

One way in which this can be made easier is for your medications to be prepared in a Monitored Dosage System (MDS), which provides you with a separate compartment for each dosage time of the day.

MDS devices are divided into days of the week, with several compartments per day to allow for the different timing of doses such as breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. 

MDS may be suitable for patients in the following circumstances:

  • You struggle to organise medications and find it difficult to remember to take them at the correct times each day
  • You have a large number of medications to take each day
  • You find it difficult to remove medication from it's packaging
  • You have a carer who helps you to ensure you take your medicines correctly

Ask a member of our Pharmacy Team about whether this service would benefit you or whether there is another course of action, which may be of more help.

Please call us today for more information and we will be happy to explain the service.